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It is the policy of Melbourne Law School that classes are not routinely recorded. Class attendance is an important part of the learning journey at MLS and attending classes should be understood as a serious responsibility.

However, MLS recognises that there is a small group of students who medical or other serious on-going difficulties means that their regular attendance is affected. There are also some students whose medical condition will affect their capacity to concentrate in class and would therefore benefit from recordings.


Registration under the long term special consideration program does not immediately grant a student access to class recordings. Access to this service is assessed on a case by case basis and based upon the evidence provided at registration.

Class recordings will be made available to students who can clearly demonstrate the following:

  • Capacity to attend classes will routinely be disrupted through medical or carer commitments.

  • Medical condition impairs capacity to cognitively participate in classes i.e. significant concentration impairments.

To be considered for class recording, registered students must apply online. Each application will be assessed against the above criteria and an outcome will be provided within 7 working days. Please note that access to recordings will be reassessed on a yearly basis at the point of re-registration for long term special consideration.


There will be instances where non-registered students will have access to class recordings. Circumstances considered are as follows:

Where the student can demonstrate that a medical/personal emergency will cause them to miss class for more than consecutive 10 business days. Evidence must be provided to support this.

In these instances, students should apply online as soon as possible to be considered for class recording. Students must provide evidence of their circumstances before recordings will be made available. Access to recordings will be for the duration of absence/impact.

Where an administrative error (ie timetabling) has prevented students from attending class.

Where an administrative error has occurred, the Manager, Teaching and Learning will determine the appropriateness of releasing recordings for the affected class. In these instances, students need not apply – an announcement will be made via the LMS.


The policy of MLS is that 1 stream of most compulsory classes will be recorded. There are some subjects, where for pedagogical reasons it is not appropriate to record. A complete list of those subjects for which recording will take place (Semester 1, 2017) is listed below. For registered students with access to ongoing recordings, recordings will be made available via the LMS. For short term recordings, students will be emailed a link to the recording. It is the students responsibility to keep the recording, as these will not be sent more than once.

If a registered student is considered eligible for ongoing class recording, the Wellbeing Coordinator will endeavour to timetable them into the recorded stream. However, considering timetabling constraints, it may not always be possible do so. Students receiving short term recordings should be aware that they may not receive a recording from their timetabled stream.

NB: Class recordings are made available to students with identified need. These recordings are not to be shared. If a student shares the recorded material without the permission of MLS, they will no longer be eligible to receive this support.

First year recorded streams

LAWS50026 Obligations – Arlen Duke Stream 3/Group C – Tuesday/Thursday 11am – 1pm

LAWS50027 Dispute Resolution – Inbar Levy Stream 3/Group C – Tuesday/Thursday 1pm – 3pm (Dictaphone recording)

LAWS50024 Principles of Public Law – Scott Stephenson No seminars will be recorded for Principles of Public Law. Students eligible for recordings are encouraged to seek support from teaching staff through consultations.

Second year recorded streams

LAWS50032 Administrative Law – Kristen Rundle Stream 1 Monday/Wednesday 11am – 1pm

LAWS50033 Trusts – Lisa Sarmas Stream 2 Monday/Wednesday 11am – 1pm

LAWS50030 Property– Kirsty Gover Stream 1 Monday and Wednesday, 11am – 1pm

Third year recorded streams

LAWS50037 Evidence and Proof - James Parker Stream 3 Wednesday at 10am

LAWS50038 Legal Ethics – Julian Sempill Stream 2 Thursday 10am – 1.00pm


Intensive subjects taught over a one or two week period will not be recorded. For students assessed as eligible to receive class recordings who enrolled in an intensive subject that is also offered on a full semester basis, and for which there is are available recordings from the most recent semester of offer of that subject, access to these recordings may be made available. Students considering enrolment in an intensive subject who may experience issues in attending class during the scheduled intensive period should discuss their enrolment in the subject with the Wellbeing Coordinator prior to enrolling to determine the best course of action in the circumstances.


Students can apply for access to class recordings via the online form. Any students who have queries about their eligibility for class recording can contact the Wellbeing Coordinator at


Office 535, 185 Pelham St
Carlton, 3053




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