The cold winter days meant that lunch had to be held indoors. However, this didn’t deter people from turning up to the first event of Semester 2.

We caught up with old friends and spent the time talking about the events of the winter. The election results weren’t far from people’s minds, neither were Trump’s campaign slogans. Besides talk of current affairs, some people had milestones which they wanted to celebrate: some of our members like Yeru have recently graduated and are now carrying out their practical legal training! They were kind enough to take time out of their schedule to join us for lunch. Some had started new jobs and were sharing how they got them with the other year levels.
MLS star Aditya, recent graduate Yeru and former treasurer Liz were in attendance!
Friends of the network such as Dominique, Mark and JJ were also in attendance, taking time out of their busy schedule with LSS activities to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. Also in attendance were our famous ‘stars’ of MLS: Harley, the artist behind the funny cartoons in De Minimis and Aditya, who represented MLS in the inter collegiate negotiation competition in 2014. We all took turns catching up with the First Years and asking them how they were coping with their new schedule. Some were doing four subjects this semester, and some decided to stick to three subjects.

Resident funny girls Marita and Shakti, and Equality Director JJ joined us for a relaxing lunch.

Rosie and Mark spotting new and fabulous haircuts!

Posing for the camera in our winter gear!
As the clock neared 2.15pm, many of us had to rush off for class. The rest took the chance to enjoy the company. All in all, it was a successful lunch. We would again like to extend our thanks to members of the LSS for turning up to our event. We hope that all the student societies will work more closely together to make MLS a more collegial environment for the students!
We would also like to thank all our members who have taken time out of their schedule to do the well-being survey. Thanks to you, the faculty wants to work closely with our network to come out with ways to make MLS a better place for Later Law Students. Your feedback will form the basis of better policies aimed at creating a more equitable environment for later law students, especially those with care-giving responsibilities. We will continue to keep you posted of these developments as they come in.
Meanwhile, do keep checking our blog and Facebook for more event announcements! We have a number of events planned for this semester!
With love and kindness from the LLSN!