Special General Meeting
Wed, 27 Apr
|Room 605
The LLSN would like to advise its members of an upcoming Special General Meeting for the purpose of elections for current committee vacancies and voting on amendments to the constitution

Time & Location
27 Apr 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm AEST
Room 605, 185 Pelham St, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia
About the event
The LLSN Committee is calling a Special General Meeting for 27 April 2022 at 1pm
Elections will be held for the following committee vacancies:
- Wellbeing Director
- Secretary
- 1st year Representative
- 2nd year Representative
- 3rd+ year Representative
- MLM Representative
Nominations for the positions will be accepted up until the meeting and can be made by submitting a committee applicaiton at https://www.laterlaw.com/2022-committee-application.
Voting will also take place on the following motions:
Special Resolutions/Motions:
Motion 1
Amend the constitution to insert a new section between the existing s 29 and s 30 to read 'for the purpose of a quorum, members may attend online, by way of a method agreed by the committee'
Motion 2
Amend the constitution to insert after s 20, a new s 20(a) to read 'members attending online may vote on any motions.'
Motion 3
Amend the constitution to insert after s 14, a new s 14(a) to read 'a committee meeting may be called on less that 5 calendar days notice so long as all committee members agree in writing.'
Motion 4:
In accordance with s 19, that for the general meeting on 27 April 2022, members attending online may vote in the committee elections.
Online details:
For those wishing to attend online, they can do so following the information below. Please note, however, that until the consitutional changes take effect, online attendees will not be able to vote on these motions.
Zoom meeting on Apr 27, 2022 01:00 PM Australia/Melbourne
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